
evaluation unit中文是什么意思

  • 计算部件



  • 例句与用法
  • Function with a compound evaluation unit
  • Gdiecc is one of the main bids evaluation units in guangdong provincial construction engineering trading center
  • Part three , confirming basic unit on potential evaluation of cultivated land arrange , based on the evaluation unit and the end of potential evaluation of cultivated land arrange , selecting evaluation unit on the basis of land classification
  • 16032 evaluation units of the potential land productivity were overlaid out . by using the mechamism methodology and relative computing models , yaan city ' s land productive potentiality was computed according to synthetic index of land productivity evaluation that was taken as soil effective coefficient . result of research indicated that : ( a ) siol effective coefficient changed from 0 . 3047 to 0 . 8550 , respectively with medium - low yield farmland of 71 . 28 percent . ( b ) the division of climate productivibilty is situated on the third degree and fourth class western area in east of chian
    4 、雅安市土地自然生产潜力与目前的实际生产水平比较,其增产潜力平均为23 . 53 ,说明农业技术和管理措施等的增产潜力较大;将目前土地的实际生产水平与15年前比较,土地的实际生产水平逐年上升,年均递增0 . 64 ,显然,土地的自然生产潜力是可以通过各种农技措施来挖掘的。
  • Part three is appraisal about the present situation on land use insmall - towns of chongqing . using the method of multi - factored composite evaluation and a set of target and principle , modeling the evaluation unit , choosing the evaluation index that affect the evaluation unit , the land use intensive level , economic benefit and environmental benefit are measured to realize the evaluation target
  • 推荐英语阅读
evaluation unit的中文翻译,evaluation unit是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译evaluation unit,evaluation unit的中文意思,evaluation unit的中文evaluation unit in Chineseevaluation unit的中文evaluation unit怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
